dimanche 12 août 2012

Tutorial: Duck Nail's!

Here's a little song to listen to while you read the post :) 

So today's Sunday and the day I change my nails. This week I thought I'd do a tutorial instead of a NOTW, so this is what I came up with....

Here's what I used....

  • A piece of paper
  • Eyeshadow sponge
  • 2 Cotton Buds/ Q Tips
  • 3 Dotting Tools
  • Sally Hansen Double Duty Base coat & Topcoat
  • Barry M, Mint Green 
  • Collection 2000 Hot Looks, Lemon Soda
  • Technic Nail Polish, White 
  • Miss Sporty Lasting Colour Pro Brush, Fatal Black 
  • MUA Love Hearts Range, I WANT U 
  • Miss Sporty Clubbing Colours Nail Polish, China Glaze
  • Seche Vite Dry Fast Topcoat
First apply Sally Hansen's Double Duty Base coat & Top coat. I applied two coats for extra protection.

Next apply two coats of Barry M's Mint Green. It doesn't need to be fully opaque as you would be covering 2/3 of the nail with more polish.

Now you can start drawing your Ducks onto your nails.Pour a small amount of Collection 2000's Hot Looks nail polish in Lemon Soda onto the paper.  Using the larger end of the white Dotting Tool make two circles upon the nail, one below the other. Then using the smaller end make a dot the opposite side of the nail.

Still using Lemon Soda, make two curved lines to connect the circles together to make the duck's body like the photo below.

Now fill the shape in, once again using Lemon Soda.

Next it's time to give the Duck's some character. Using the Technic white nail polish, pour a tiny amount on the paper then make a dot using the large end of the pink Dotting Tool, on the Duck's face. Once it's completely dry, using the smaller end of the Dotting Tool, take the Miss Sporty nail polish in Fatal Black and make a dot in the centre of the white one. Taking the MUA nail polish in I WANT U, make a triangle in the middle left of the ducks face, then fill it in. 

Taking the Eyeshadow sponge and the Miss Sporty nail polish in China Glaze. Pour a small amount of the nail polish onto the paper and dip the edge of the Eyeshadow sponge in. Gently sponge the polish onto the nail to give a slight gradient effect. 

Now your almost done, apply a thin coat of Seche Vite's Dry Fast Top Coat. Then taking a cotton bud/ q tip, dip it into nail polish remover and wipe around your nail to remove any access polish. This makes the final look look more tidy.
Here's another look at my final outcome....

Thanks For Reading!xxxx
What nail art design should I attempt next week? :)

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